Paper Mario Wiki

Slurp Snifits are a sub-species of Snifits from Paper Mario: Color Splash. Similar to Slurp Guys, Slurp Snifits carry a straw in their mouths which they use to suck up paint. They are seen in three different colors (Blue, red, yellow). The effects of a Slurp Snifit are much worse than a Slurp Guy, as if it successfully attacks Mario, one entire color gauge will be drained.

Shy Guys
Characters: General Guy | Anti Guy | Emcee Shy Guy

Types: Shy Guy | Spy Guy | Pyro Guy | Medi Guy | Gourmet Guy | Groove Guy | Sky Guy | Spear Guy | Stilt Guy | Sombrero Guy | Shy Bandit | Slurp Guy | Animal Trainer Shy Guy | Paint Guy | Snifit | Slurp Snifit | Spike Guy | Shunned Guy | Spike Snifit | Clip Guy | Accordion Guy | Soggy Guy | Whistle Snifit | Pry Guy | Shield Guy | Fly Guy

Groups: Shy Squad | Shy Stack | Shy Guy Stack
